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Google Adsense Secrets

Free Adsense secrets is created by Naveen kumar and Vivaankumar working as a professional bloggers for a long time. We have being observing the adsense market from past 10 years and observed that there is no free site to share Adsense we created where we have shared 101 ways to make profit from adsense secrets and known facts about google adsense.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The most important thing to use AdSense are :-
1)You need a website

2)you can also use blogs to use your AdSense

3)AdSense Account -
Click here if you want to open an AdSense account

4)Read AdSense Terms Of services very cleanly -
Click here to See Google TOS

5)Create Unique contents, Don't copy as Google will ignore your site if it has lot of duplicate data, so write your self write some or the other stupid things but write unique.

eg: Stitch paint to elephant, make beer at home, dancing with tiger in jungle This are just sample don't write on the same matter :-)

6)Design your site, don't use extra colours and snaps every where and make your site heavy to load.Will discuss later in coming topics the best way to create templates and how to impose the AdSense in it.

7)If you are not able to create the design by your self use or use they will create a site for you at very little bugs.

8)If wanted your own site then first decide what will be the name of the site and content in it.Own Domain may cost $5 This days or there are many sites where you can register your domain.Don't buy high paid domain its of no use for us.

9)Don't want to invest and want to use AdSense then use

create your blog sites and you can use the AdSense services will discuss more on this topics.

10 )Don't make money by clicking on your site every day your account may be terminated for ever so be careful and don't write any thing on the site get incentives to click on Google adds showing arrows chatting and informing people to click nothing is allowed any such incident will lead to Account suspension.The click in Google AdSense has to be created very genuinely and real interest of the customer.That is why Google is the Top engine any fraud activities will be tracked very easily.Have patience and hard work will provide you result.

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